Ms. Ann Elizabeth Lowe » A message to parents......

A message to parents......

Please help to create a quiet environment at home that is conducive to learning.  It is important that your child listens and pays attention to class instruction.
Here are a few ways that you can help your child be a successful virtual student:
1.  Check your child's agenda each morning to see exactly which assignments should be submitted.  If possible, print the daily agenda and teach your child to view it as a "checklist".  Have your child check off, cross out, or  highlight each assignment after they submit it.  
2.  Connect to your child's academic progress through both the PowerSchool and Schoology Parent Portals.  Schoology allows parents to view their child's daily classwork.  PowerSchool allows parents to view report card grades and averages.   Both Schoology and PowerSchool should be checked regularly.  If you need help getting connected, your child's teacher can provide you with log in credentials and instructions on how to get started.
3.  Help your child in managing their time.  If possible, print the daily schedule.   Show your child how to set alarms and reminders on his/her device to ensure they attend all classes at the right times.  
4.  If your child is not understanding a concept or misses class, please sit with him/her and watch the recorded lesson.  Pause when necessary and ask your child questions to ensure understanding.  Clarify concepts or verbiage when necessary.  Try not to let your child fall behind.  If he/she misses class, watch the recorded lessons promptly and get caught up on assignments.  Students will typically have two or three assignments each day, and if they do not submit them, the workload can accumulate quickly.  No one wants that!
5.  Help your child to keep his/her workspace tidy and organized.  
***Taking the time at the beginning of the school year to "set the stage" will be invaluable.  Help to establish a routine and take instruction seriously.  If you can get your child on the right path early on, you won't have to micromanage them so much as the school year progresses.